Thursday, April 30, 2015

Breakfast smoothie! (Vegan, Dairy, Gluten-free options provided)

Hey everyone :)
This is the perfect recipe for those of you who wake up wanting a smoothie, but also something more filling!
I've poured my smoothie into a massive bowl, and topped it with some chia seeds and my trail mix.
This was super filling, whilst satisfying all my sweet cravings.
I'd love to see any recreations of this !

As always, ingredients could vary according to your own personal preferences. You could always add more or less liquids according to your preferred smoothie thickness, and hunger (same applies for the quantity of fruit).
However, I'd still stick to bananas because they created the thickness of the smoothie that also kept me feeling satisfied.

- 3-4 bananas (I used 5 small ones)
- 8-10 strawberries
- 1 cup coconut milk (almond and soya milk could be used too. So can dairy milk)
- 1/2 cup rolled oats (exclude for gluten-free options)
- 1 tbsp. Chia Seeds (more for topping)
- 2. tbsp. Flax seeds
- 1 tsp. Cinamon
- 1 tsp. Maple Syrup (or any other sweetener of your choice, e.g. coconut flakes work well too)
(Water is optional depending on how thick you want your smoothie)

Directions: Blend it all up, until smooth and pour into a bowl

Trail mix recipe:

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