Friday, May 15, 2015

Vegan Ice Cream! (NiceCream)

Hey Everyone :)
The days are getting warmer, revision stress is overwhelming and Ice Cream cravings are kicking in!

This is a delicious vegan alternative to Ice Cream, or just a healthier fruity option to non-vegans. In the top picture I'm holding a bowl of nicecream that's half vanilla and half chocolate with a drizzle of homemade chocolate sauce, whereas in the picture below, I've made a simple banana nicecream with chocolate chip toppings.

Calories: My 10 banana nicecream contains over 1000Calories, however remember that it's the quality of calories that is important, not the quantity.
Bananas are high in calories, but they provide an amazing energy boost for the day, along with high potassium, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, and perfect amounts of glucose. High natural sugars found in fruit that's high in carbs will re-charge and energise our cells, whilst avoiding unnecessary high fat, sugar cravings that may contain dairy throughout the day.

For the Vanilla half
5 frozen bananas (freeze fully ripe bananas from the previous night)
2 tsp. vanilla essence
3 tbsp. coconut milk

For the chocolate half
5 frozen bananas
3-4 tbsp. raw cocoa powder
5 pitted dates (optional, I add dates in for the sweetness and for extra nutrition)
3 tbsp. coconut milk

(If you don't want to add coconut milk to the mixtures, you can add one less frozen banana, and replace it with a soft ripe banana from your pantry to achieve that extra smooth texture of the nicecream)

1. Blend the vanilla ingredients together in a high speed blender and then add to bowl
2. Same applies for the chocolate nicecream ingredients
3. Top it up with some chia seeds and the sweet chocolate sauce

Chocolate sauce:
I simply mixed 2 heaped tbsp. of cocoa powder with 5 tbsp. maple syrup (Vanilla essence is optional)

Chia seeds are super nutritional because they're a source of natural fats, but are also high in potassium, sodium, calcium, and are a complete protein source!

For the nicecream on the left, I simply added 10 frozen bananas, along with a tiny bit of coconut milk in the blender for about 10-15 minutes on high speed.
Then I topped it off with some cocoa nibs and chia seeds :)
This might end up becoming my favourite breakfast/snack for the summer season!

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